This file describes the setup of the AVR gcc environment and the modifications in btnode-hackfest-20021104.bin.tar.gz to have a Windows98/2000 command line version of the BT Smart-Its Development environment. Authors: - Thomas Weickert ( - Christian Decker ( 0. Setup (Win2000 tested, but Win98 seems to be analog) 0.1 - Setup the compiler by copying 'avrgcc' into a directory of your choice - change to 'avrgcc\avrfreaks\win2000' and modify 'avrmake2.bat' (not 'avrmake.bat') (for Win98 modify 'avrgcc\avrfreaks\gcc_cmp.bat') - set AVR to the directory where you have avrgcc installed - set GNUAVR to the directory where you have avrgcc installed - let CC unchanged - set PATH to the bin directory of the compiler directory - set BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR to the directory, where you will unpack btnode-hackfest-20021104.bin.tar.gz - copy 'avrmake.bat' and 'avrmake2.bat' to a directory where a path points to ( for example: copy to D:\WINNT ) ( for Win98 copy 'avrgcc\avrfreaks\gcc_cmp.bat' and 'avrgcc\avrfreaks\gcc_cmp2.bat' to such a directory ) 0.2 - unpack btnode-hackfest-20021104.bin.tar.gz to $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR) For Makefile modifications all paths start from $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR) 1. Makefile modifications 1.1 Modify $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples/smart-its/Makefile replace line SUBDIRS = avr128 linux with SUBDIRS = avr128 3. Compile $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples/smart-its/Makefile 3.1 - call the script 'avrmake.bat' in the directory above (have a look on "Hints" below) - compiled files are stored in $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples/smart-its/avr128 3.2 - clean it up: call 'avrmake.bat allclean' $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR)/examples/smart-its (this deletes all compiled and intermediated files) Hints: During compilation you will see warnings of makedepend saying: #error "Don't know how to make helloworld for non avr103 and avr128 platforms." or #error "This example depends on the dispatcher but the dispatcher is configured out. see include/smart-its.h" Don't worry. It's a bug in makedepend. To avoid it just search through all files in $(BTNODE_INSTALL_DIR) for these messages and insert a whitespace character before each (basicially you indent them by one whitespace character.)